If you join the United States military now, you are not defending the United States of America; you are helping certain policy-makers pursue an imperial agenda. -- Karen Kwiatkowski
Well, I don't have much hope for an end to the imperial agenda when harry reid is ascendent. Even though the imperial occupation of iraq has been atrocious (massive tinkering and social engineering), I think the dems would hang in there, and redouble the tinkering. We are not leaving iraq as long as congress is owned by the royal $pon$or$ of the court.
Karen Kwiatkowski is a libertarian, not a democrat -- ie no threat to the antireid crowd. But thanks for your input.
notes from the Department of Redundancy Department * kilgore is pro-defense, anti-torture, pro-constitution, not anti-war. * kilgore is a LIBERTARIAN, not a dem or gop. He is registered as an independent. He is not a member of the Libertarian Party, nor is he running for office. If kilgore appears to be in disagreement with you, that is par for the course. If kilgore appears to be in favor of either of the ruling parties, you are forgiven for your lack of understanding of the libertarian philosophy -- it is only a coincidence that the given party is accidentally correct on the given issue. * please don't post back for the purpose of telling KF he is a brit bigot, he will stipulate to that fact. It's like teaching a pig to sing -- it wastes your time, and it annoys the pig. * “We shall not grow wiser before we learn that much that we have done was very foolish.” -- Friedrich August von Hayek * The name, kilgore forelle, is in honor of vonnegut’s radical alter ego, kilgore trout. Unlike kv’s sympathetic alter egos, such as billy pilgrim, kilgore is a hypothesizer. btw, forelle is deutsch for trout.
an imperial agenda, MY ASS!
You better wake up before it's too late Girl
And stop drinking the Harry Reid Kool Aide!
Well, I don't have much hope for an end to the imperial agenda when harry reid is ascendent. Even though the imperial occupation of iraq has been atrocious (massive tinkering and social engineering), I think the dems would hang in there, and redouble the tinkering. We are not leaving iraq as long as congress is owned by the royal $pon$or$ of the court.
Karen Kwiatkowski is a libertarian, not a democrat -- ie no threat to the antireid crowd. But thanks for your input.
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