Thursday, June 7, 2012

The U.S. owes an apology to tortured traveler | Detroit Free Press |

Editorial: Guest commentary: The U.S. owes an apology to tortured traveler | Detroit Free Press |

Apology, hell!  How about a full and real renunciation of our disastrous foreign policy.  Then, how about jail time for every government agent who participated in this and similar incidents -- regardless of the innocence of the victim.  To pose innocence as a ground for regret is to miss completely the moral bankruptcy that has seized the state.

Where Is The Outrage? by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano on - A Syndicate Of Talent

Where Is The Outrage? by Judge Andrew P. Napolitano on - A Syndicate Of Talent

The Judeo-Christian and constitutionally mandated relationship between government power and individual liberty is not balance. It is bias — a bias in favor of liberty. All presumptions should favor the natural rights of individuals, not the delegated and seized powers of the government. Individual liberty, not government power, is the default position because persons are immortal and created in God's image, and governments are temporary and based on force. -- Judge Andrew P. Napolitano

Monday, April 16, 2012

Hitler's Coming!

Hitler's Coming!

"After the war, it was demonstrated that Germany had no plans, desires, or capability to attack the United States. This was obvious even before the war to those who looked at the situation with a critical eye. Just as Churchill’s actions cannot be explained as reasonable when looked at from the viewpoint of the average Brit, Roosevelt’s actions cannot stand better to scrutiny. He, too, seemed to be working for a different master – not the American people. Again, your guess is as good as mine as to who." -- bionic mosquito