To even speculate that islam will overcome christianity is a sorry-ass joke. There are 2 -- exactly 2 -- major religions in terms of adherents. There are 3 christians for every 2 muslims. There are millions of rich christians for every rich muslim.
In my little ky town, there are hundreds upon hundreds of christian churches, while there is 1 islamic center with maybe 200 members (ie. a whole christian congregation or 2 for each individual muslim. Can you imagine the amount of pure chickenshittedness it takes to cry that we* should be afraid of the lunatic fringe of the amateurish islam.
The chicken little routine is an immense insult to christianity, its teachings, its followers, and the goodness at its core. Christianity outnumbers Mohammedanism 3-t-2. Christianity dominates nearly all of the world's major countries. Islam has never permanently replaced an advanced religion, government, culture, or economy. Islam apparently, based on where it thrives, is the self-destructive religion of the 4 horseman of the apocalypse. It is large because chaos reigns in many regions of the world, but it is incapable of coalescing into the thoughtful philosophical forms that rule the world.
If you believe that there will ever be a united states of sharia, or similar such dumb shit, then you are a loser, a traitor to your country, and an infidel to christianity. Mark it down. It ain't gonna happen.
We may get invaded by martians someday, but they are gonna have both christians and muslims for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
* note -- I was raised a christian, and I still see the evidence of God in the world around me. I am philosophically a taoist (not religiously a taoist). In other words, I am not big on ritual and dogma. Therefore, when the battle comes I will be on the side of Jesus, with sword in hand, whether we are fighting klingons or islamofaschists. But to even pretend that these ululating fools are on the same plane as christians or americans is a humiliation that we should reject with all our might. Otherwise, we will lose . . . to our fearstricken selves!
I have found a way to pick up real fast on what the neocon-giulianis will try next. Listen to michael savage at night, then to francene the next day, on WHAS radio, our louisville nexus to talk wrong radio. They come across entirely differently, but that's strictly bad cop, good cop.
Last night, ms was frothing over obama's church, then today francene (the local talk wrong distaff talking head) seems to be giving the issue a fair hearing before coming down in the same place as savage.
Who does this help? Ironically, shrillary. Comparing obama to mitt over and over reduces cred for both of them. Rudy is already dead but his campaign provides a nice place for neo-cons to pick up a few paychecks, until the endgame when they will drift unobtrusively into the hrc camp.
I fear that our favorite stealth authoritarians are doing an end run to land in a soft spot in the chillary administration.
notes from the Department of Redundancy Department * kilgore is pro-defense, anti-torture, pro-constitution, not anti-war. * kilgore is a LIBERTARIAN, not a dem or gop. He is registered as an independent. He is not a member of the Libertarian Party, nor is he running for office. If kilgore appears to be in disagreement with you, that is par for the course. If kilgore appears to be in favor of either of the ruling parties, you are forgiven for your lack of understanding of the libertarian philosophy -- it is only a coincidence that the given party is accidentally correct on the given issue. * please don't post back for the purpose of telling KF he is a brit bigot, he will stipulate to that fact. It's like teaching a pig to sing -- it wastes your time, and it annoys the pig. * “We shall not grow wiser before we learn that much that we have done was very foolish.” -- Friedrich August von Hayek * The name, kilgore forelle, is in honor of vonnegut’s radical alter ego, kilgore trout. Unlike kv’s sympathetic alter egos, such as billy pilgrim, kilgore is a hypothesizer. btw, forelle is deutsch for trout.